Enjoy F1 on any device, including Android, iPad, Samsung Tizen, LG webOS and Google/Android TV Smart TVs, MacOS, FireTV, Windows, Linux, Playstation 3 or with any modern web-browser!
No VPN required, no bloatware, no ads, no tracking!
Test the web access with a free evaluation key

* No VPN required, no bloatware, no ads, no tracking
* For full access to all features - request your personal key (e-mail f1@movian.eu)
* Install M7 (Movian) media player for your platform and add "Formula 1" plugin (or use the web access interface)
* Android TV / Mobile / Tablet supported for all content (Movian & movianDRM)
* Playstation 3, Raspberry Pi, NaCl, macOS, Linux supported for VOD & LiveTV (Movian)
* Android, PC, iPad, macOS, Linux supported for all content (web access)
* iPhone iOS supported for VOD & LiveTV (web access)
* LG webOS & Samsung Tizen supported for all content (web access)
* Check out the other apps here
* Request your personal key - send an e-mail to: f1@movian.eu

Movian F1 App Interface - Native App for
Android | MacOS | Linux | PS3 | RPi | PC' | Chrome NaCl

Movian F1TV Web Interface
(all platforms are supported)

For more info - check our other apps pluginsBG.